Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Rabbi Nosson Scherman is an icon. He’s been called “the father of contemporary Torah literature” and for good reason.
From the day so many years back when he partnered with Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz and Rabbi Sheah Brander to the present time, Rabbi Scherman’s contributions to the world of Torah and Judaism have been transformational.
In the following interview, which has been divided into two segments, Rabbi Scherman takes us on a trip down memory lane, from his youth in Newark, New Jersey, attending a local public school, to his years at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, his career in chinuch, and ultimately his world-changing work through ArtScroll/Mesorah. Here is Part II of this fascinating conversation filled with history, stories, and insights from one of the treasures of our people. Watch and enjoy.
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Rabbi Nosson Scherman is an icon. He’s been called “the father of contemporary Torah literature” and for good reason.
From the day so many years back when he partnered with Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz and Rabbi Sheah Brander to the present time, Rabbi Scherman’s contributions to the world of Torah and Judaism have been transformational.
In the following interview, which has been divided into two segments, Rabbi Scherman takes us on a trip down memory lane, from his youth in Newark, New Jersey, attending a local public school, to his years at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, his career in chinuch, and ultimately his world-changing work through ArtScroll/Mesorah. This is a fascinating conversation filled with history, stories, and insights from one of the treasures of our people. Watch and enjoy.
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Inside ArtScroll - Season 4 Episode 21: Shmuel Botnick
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
In this Inside ArtScroll interview, we speak to Shmuel Botnick, the extraordinarily talented author of the bestselling ArtSroll biography of Rav Nota Greenblatt zt”l, taking us behind the scenes of this most unique book – and this most extraordinary rav, posek, and leader, whose light spread from Memphis to Jews across the world. [Purchase the book HERE.]
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Inside ArtScroll - Season 4 Episode 20: Libby Lazewnik and Miriam Zakon
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
They are two of the Jewish world’s most well-known and beloved authors. Mrs. Libby Lazewnik and Mrs. Miriam Zakon are also best of friends. In this Inside ArtScroll Interview, we get to hear from these literary giants, who reminisce about their respective careers and their special relationship. And Libby speaks about her brand-new series, Starlight Sisters, which has captivated young readers. Watch and be entertained! [Purchase the book HERE.]
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
From a quiet community in Memphis, Tennessee came a man whose Torah brilliance, profound compassion, and willingness to go anywhere, anytime, to help another made him the rav and posek for thousands of Jews throughout America. Within Memphis, he founded one of America’s first Hebrew day schools, saving an entire community from leaving Orthodox Judaism. Nationally, he helped develop the kashrus standards that we all enjoy today. He brought countless Jews back to Torah observance before the kiruv movement ever started. And he traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to write kosher gitten, bills of divorce, enabling men and women to rebuild their lives.
His name was Rav Nota Greenblatt, and his story – and the many stories others tell about him – will amaze you. In this Inside ArtScroll interview, we speak to Rav Nota’s son and daughter-in-law, Rabbi Dovid and Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt, who describe Rav Nota’s humility and Torah greatness, and the endless compassion of this very unique rav.
Purchase your copy of Rav Nota on ArtScroll.com
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
In his new book, Rebbi Meir Baal HaNess and the Eternal Children of Hashem, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein welcomes us to the world of Rebbi Meir Baal HaNess, a place where the loving embrace of Hashem to His people is tangible. We discover the power of the words "Eloka D'Meir Aneini" and how Rebbi Meir's worldview is the very foundation of Torah.
Rabbi Glatstein is one of the Jewish world's most popular speakers and respected maggidei shiur. In this fascinating Inside ArtScroll interview, he discusses this landmark work, which will uplift your heart even in the most trying times. [Purchase the book HERE.]
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Inside ArtScroll - Season 4 Episode 17: Benny Fishoff – Through the Eyes of His Sons
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
He started literally with nothing, and built an empire of business – and chesed.
He was a brilliant businessman whom Rabbi Moshe Sherer called “the malach of shalom.”
He was a man who blended startling financial acumen with mussar hashkafah – and made it work!
He was the unique, inimitable Reb Benny Fishoff.
B’Ahavah, Benny – the story of Reb Benny Fishoff – is not a typical “rags to riches” story. Rather, it’s a “riches to riches” story. The story of a young man, sole survivor of his family after the Holocaust, who took the riches of chassidic devotion, the riches of years of intense yeshivah learning, the riches of memories of his warm and loving family, and who used those riches to build, to listen, to counsel and to enrich others. It is a story of amazing business savvy combined with profound mentchlichkeit, a story filled with siyata diShmaya and ultimate triumph.
In this compelling Inside ArtScroll episode, we get to hear from Benny’s sons, Dovi Fishoff and Avi Fishoff, who describe how Reb Benny went from Lodz to Shanghai to the executive suites of New York City skyscrapers – entering the hearts of countless Jews whom he helped with money, advice, and overflowing love. Watch and be inspired. [Purchase the book HERE.]
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
The Ribnitzer Rebbe was a tzaddik, a ba’al mofeis (a miracle worker), and so much more. He became a living legend, the address for thousands seeking berachos, first in Russia, then in Eretz Yisrael and, eventually in America. His intense avodah included fasting, non-stop Torah learning, and hours and hours of profound tefillah. Throughout all his trials and tribulations, Reb Chaim Zanvil, the Ribnitzer Rebbe, found a way to serve Hashem.
One of those who merited to serve the rebbe for years, forging a close and personal relationship, was Reb Moshe Tzvi Berkowitz. In this fascinating Inside ArtScroll interview, we sit down with Reb Moshe Tzvi to learn about what he learned from the rebbe, and to hear firsthand stories about his interactions with the rebbe – including the rebbe’s famous “teniah” (tune) that he made famous, and so much more. Watch and be uplifted. [Purchase the book HERE.]
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saying Kaddish for a loved one. It is one of the most well-observed Jewish traditions. However, its cryptic language often makes this sacred and hallowed prayer feel unrelatable. In a powerful and inspiring new book, Rabbi Yechiel Spero changes that, using classic Torah sources, insights, and — of course! — stories to explore the essence and, indeed, the soul of Kaddish. In The Soul of Kaddish, you find chizuk, hope and encouragement in the words of Kaddish. In the following Inside ArtScroll interview, we speak to Rabbi Spero about this incredible book, and about finding chizuk in challenging times – and always. Watch and be inspired. [Purchase the book HERE.]
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg is a beloved rav in Cedarhurst who has engaged thousands of readers with his incisive articles in the Torah world’s most prestigious periodicals. Rabbi Ginzberg has a genius for weaving together personal stories, Torah hashkafah, encouragement and chizuk, communal issues, and, yes, gentle and spot-on mussar.
In his book, Rays of Hope, and in this Inside ArtScroll interview, he takes us “up close and personal” with memories of his own nisyonos — including his terrifying bout with Covid, when the doctors felt there was no hope left for him, as well as the losses of his beloved daughter Sarala and his oldest grandson, Chanoch Jeger.
Rabbi Ginzberg’s courageous and uplifting responses to these losses — which include his founding of the well-known Ohel Sarala global initiative — give us chizuk and meaning to the challenges we all face. Watch and be inspired.
[Purchase the book HERE.]