Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features an interview with Rav Yaakov Bender, rosh yeshivah of Yeshivah Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway. Rav Bender has just released a new sefer, Rav Yaakov Bender on Chumash, exploring many of the Chumash’s timely and contemporary messages of strength, hope and chizuk. He begins with an insight on the parashah, and then shows us how the eternal and holy words of the Chumash are so relevant to us.
Rav Bender believes in you. And in me. And in every Jew.
He believes in our potential for greatness. In our capacity to face challenges with joy and courage. In our ability to change, to grow, to achieve. And he knows that all these things come from the spirit and power of the Torah and the beis medrash.
In his new sefer, as he discusses in this enlightening interview, he gently helps us find our own strengths and reach ever higher.
And he tells stories. So many stories! Rav Bender shares personal memories of his illustrious family. He brings us rare and often unknown stories about the gedolim we know and revere.
We know Rav Bender as a gifted mechanech, a distinguished talmid chacham, a visionary rosh yeshivah, a man completely devoted to his talmidim. We admire his warmth, his passion, and the love he has for Klal Yisrael. Experience all this – and more! – in this interview, and in the new sefer, which can be purchased HERE.
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Inside ArtScroll Season 2 Episode 1: What is the Zera Shimshon Phenomenon All About?
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features an interview with Rabbi Binyomin Paskesz, who has made it his mission to spread the Torah of the author of Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon Chaim Nachmani, who made a promise over two hundred years ago to those who learn his sefarim that they will be blessed with "children, praise, health, parnassah wealth, and honor.”
This interview highlights the newly-released ArtScroll Zera Shimshon on Chumash, translated and elucidated, the first of a ten-volume monumental project. Rabbi Paskesz provides a behind-the-scenes look at how the Zera Shimshon phenomenon has taken off, how he got involved, and how the beautiful insights of the Zera Shimshon are changing lives. You can purchase the new elucidated Zera Shimshon HERE.
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features an interview with brothers Shimon Kolyakov and Rubin Kolyakov, founders of TorahAnytime.com, the world’s largest Torah website. In this interview, we are given an inside look at how, in 2006, Shimon and Rubin, both of the Queens, NY Bukharian community, started TorahAnytime in order to give people the ability to experience Torah classes wherever they were, whenever they wanted. Today, TorahAnytime is the largest library of originally recorded Torah videos in the world, with 120,000+ Torah videos from more than 1,000 different speakers. Shimon and Rubin’s history is fascinating, and the details of how these two unlikely Torah ambassadors came to be involved in the largest online Torah dissemination effort are captivating. Sit back and enjoy!
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features an interview with Jewish radio legend Nachum Segal. Nachum has hosted his Jewish Moments in the Morning - commonly abbreviated as JM in the AM – program since September 1983…and he hasn’t lost a step. Nachum’s presentation of music, news, and community events has accompanied tens of thousands of listeners through their morning routine for decades. When not behind the radio microphone, Nachum can be found serving as master of ceremonies for major concerts and Jewish events. As the Nachum Segal Network continues to make its mark on Jewish life, Inside ArtScroll sat down with the iconic radio personality for a candid, fun, refreshing and entertaining conversation. Enjoy!
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Inside ArtScroll Episode 16: Why Did a Lawyer Write an Index on Shas?
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features Daniel Retter, an attorney by profession, who undertook to compile a complete index of the entire Shas. The newly expanded and updated Hebrew HaMafteach® HaChadash, encompassing all of Shas Bavli and Mishnayos in one volume, has received the approbation of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, and other Torah leaders, who recognized its magnificence in enabling anyone – man, woman or child – to locate virtually every topic, saying, anecdote, maxim, parable, significant subject matter, Talmudic and rabbinical law, Biblical exegesis, and Biblical and Talmudic personalities mentioned in Shas Bavli and Mishnayos. HaMafteach® HaChadash includes 78,102 subject matter entries and sub-entries, with 92,400 Talmudic and Mishnayos sources. In this interview, we find out why Mr. Retter, whose vocation involves legalities related to immigration and real estate, made this endeavor – indexing all of Shas – his life’s passion. He shares interesting anecdotes, including Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s fascinating response upon looking something up in HaMafteach®.
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Inside ArtScroll Episode 15: The Power of Nishmas with Rabbi Yisroel Besser
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features Rabbi Yisroel Besser, renowned writer and biographer, who has just released a new volume on Nishmas. For the first time ever in English, Rabbi Besser gives us a whole new understanding of the magnificent words of this tefillah, with a sweeping, fresh and contemporary commentary, full of enlightening stories and insights that illustrate the many concepts discussed in Nishmas. In this interview, Rabbi Besser takes us behind the scenes, sharing some fascinating insights shared by Rav Chaim Kanievsky specifically for this new publication. With this book, you can join the “Nishmas army,” those committed to saying Nishmas regularly, a concept suggested by Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, who’d received the tradition from her revered father-in-law, the Steipler Gaon. Rabbi Besser discusses the secrets of prayer itself hidden within the words of this tefillah, thanksgiving and entreaty merging in every line and phrase.
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Inside ArtScroll Episode 14: Great Jewish Journeys with Rabbi Moshe Bamberger
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, a respected scholar and educator, who has enthralled thousands of readers with his books on Great Jewish Letters, Speeches, Photographs, Classics, and Artifacts. Now, in his latest book, just released this week, he uses his rare talent of capturing a person, an era, or a historical event through a brief story or evocative photograph, to bring to life the greatest people and epochs of Jewish history. Great Jewish Journeys - a spiritual travel guide to kivrei tzaddikim and Torah landmarks around the world - includes hundreds of photographs, artifacts, postcards and artwork. It provides fascinating facts and stories about each destination. Rabbi Bamberger discusses his experiences during his formative years and his authorship of bestselling books.
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Inside ArtScroll Episode 13: Farbreng and Shmooze with Joey Newcomb
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features something entirely different and unique, as host Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger welcomed singer and composer Joey Newcomb. Far from a conventional interview, Joey treats us to fascinating insights about his life and his musical journey, while often joining with the host in filling the studio with music, singing songs both new and old. Amidst humor and some good laughs, Joey shares his messages of boundless positivity, hope, inspiration, ahavas Hashem and mi ke’amcha Yisroel. You’re in for a treat. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Inside ArtScroll Episode 12: Rabbi Dov Keilson
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features an interview with Rabbi Dov Keilson, author of the new book, Open Your Eyes – Seeing Hashem Everywhere. Rabbi Keilson shows us how to open our eyes to appreciate Hashem's magnificent world and reap the unimaginable benefits of living with bechinah.
For decades, Rabbi Keilson, mashgiach ruchani of Yeshiva Darchei Torah, has studied the concept of bechinah, which leads to authentic gratitude, deep emunah, and the incomparable happiness of living with Hashem’s Presence in our lives on a day-to-day basis. Watch this uplifting conversation – and Open Your Eyes to a whole new way of living.
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Inside ArtScroll Episode 11: Naftali Horowitz
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features a special interview with Naftali Horowitz, Managing Director and Financial Advisor with J.P. Morgan and author of the brand new book, You…Revealed. As a managing director of the nation’s largest investment bank, Naftali has learned a lot about the nature of success. He is also a man with a mission: to help Jews in any way he can. And help them he does, guiding tens of thousands of people to a greater understanding of themselves, their challenges, and their hidden potential, both in face-to-face meetings and in his popular lectures. You…Revealed is not a typical self-help book for people looking for financial success - though it will certainly help them achieve that goal. Rather, it draws upon a wide range of Torah sources to help us discover our mission and purpose in life. You…Revealed combines profound Torah wisdom and time-tested mussar techniques with piercing psychological insights and fascinating true-life examples. It shows us how to achieve success while living lives of tranquility and contentment. Learn about this – and more! – in this compelling conversation.